The Biology of Life Span: A Quantitative Approach


Abridged life table   64, 68

     spontaneous abortions   22, 196
          sex differences   196

Absolute limit to longevity   21

     mortality and   58, 203

Accumulation of DNA damage   175, 181, 210

Accuracy   229-230

Activation energy   207

     analysis   12-13
     data   3
     models   43-49

Acute disease   58

Adaptation determination hypothesis   97

     -dependent component of mortality   58, 77-85
     discrimination   66, 68
     exaggeration   86
     -independent component of mortality   58
     misreporting   86

     economics and the   9

     accelerated   32
     apologists for death and,   7-9
     biology of   5
     body temperature and   206-207
     causes of   286-287
     "clock" concept and   154, 206
     differentiation and   216, 219, 222, 223
     evolution and   158-161, 186
     genetic programming and,   157-165, 210-211, 227
     loss of function in, 229-230
     models   232-289
     of population   9
     period   226
     premature   32
     programmed   157-165, 210-211, 227
     rate of   285
     research on, see gerontology
     superprimary prevention of   182

Aging-in-vitro hypothesis   210-224

Aging rate,   285
     determinants of   285

Alcohols   185

Allometry   165-175

Antigen diversity   186

Antioxidants   181, 185, 210
     see also free radicals
     glutathione   185, 317
     life span and,   181-182
     sex and,   185
     superoxide dismutase (SOD)   175, 312
     -tocopherol (vitamin E)   313

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)   313, 318, 321

Aspirin   111

Autoimmunity   186, 230

Autopsy findings   108

     species longevity and   318

Avalanche-like destruction model   246-251

Background (age-independent) component of mortality   59
     definition   58

Bathtube curve   226

Bible   15, 67, 120, 122

Bingo model   235-236

Binomial distribution   258, 265

Binomial law of mortality   46, 260, 262, 267, 269, 275,
     generalized form   46

Biochemical amortization of the organism   175

Biology of Life Span
     definition of   5
     epidemiologic approach to   86-106
     historical background of   5, 10-15
     hystory of the term   5, 13
     key problem of   65
     link with other disciplines   5, 10, 14-16
     present state of   15-20

Biological age limit   119

Biological characteristics of the human life span   77-87

Biological component of mortality   90
     definition and synonyms   90
     regional differences in    90-97

Bionics   228

Birds   160, 274, 300-303

     glucose   116, 209, 322
     pressure   94, 200, 247, 282, 285

     size   310
     temperature   154, 206-207
     weight and longevity   174, 310

     weight and longevity   166, 310

Breast cancer
     mortality   95, 209, 279

Bronchitis, emphysema and asthma   279, 283-285

C-criterion   70-72

Caloric restriction   207-210

Cancer   95, 108, 199-204, 209, 279, 282, 283

Carcinogens   210

Cardiovascular disease   200, 203, 279, 281, 283

Catalase   210, 316, 320

Causes of death   107-112, 199-205, 276-285
     endogenous   107-112
     exogenous   107-112
     interaction between   111-116, 276-285
     quasi-endogenous   109

     aging   224
     cultures   210-224
     death   216, 218, 219, 222, 224
     differentiation   216, 219, 222, 223
     division   222
     fibroblast   211-224
     loss in aging   224
     postmitotic   216
     stem   216, 218

     aging   224

Cerebrovascular disease   199, 279, 282-283

Certification error   108

Chance   44

Characteristic largest life span   124

Chi-square test   62

Cholesterol   90, 93, 110-111, 313

Cholestyramine   110

Chromosomes   167, 175, 248, 315

Cirrhosis of the liver   199, 280, 283

Clinical trials   110-111

Clock, internal   154, 206

Clofibrate   110

Coefficient of variation   23, 37

Cohort   31, 64, 66
     definition   23
     life table   64
          construction   24

Compensation effect of mortality   148-156

Complete life table   64

Compression of morbidity   132

Copper   322

Coronary heart disease   200, 203, 279, 281, 283

Criterion of historical stability   77

Cultured cells   210-224

Current (period, cross-sectional, time-specific)
   life table   64
      method of construction   65-66

Cytochrome C oxidase   316

D-aspartic acid
     accumulation with age   154

     causes of   107-112, 199-205, 276-285
     certificates   108
     probability density (dx)   24, 25, 26, 65, 66
     quota   114, 278

Demographic explosion   8

Demography   10

Density death probability (dx)   24, 25, 26, 65, 66

Derectangularization of the survival curve   115

Diabetes mellitus   247

Diet   207-210

     fats   95-96
     restriction   207-210

Differentiation hypothesis   216, 219, 222, 223

     autoimmune   186, 230
     caloric restriction and,   207-210
     cancer   95, 108, 199-204, 209, 279, 282, 283
     cardiovascular   200, 203, 279, 281, 283
     Down's Syndrome   32, 175

     binomial   258, 265
     function   241
     lognormal   61
     normal   21, 22, 28-30, 53, 58, 62, 246, 257
     Planck   242
     Poisson   254-255, 257, 258
     Weibull   45, 46, 61, 71-72, 241-243, 262, 263, 269, 270

Division potential   210-214

DNA   175, 181, 210, 222, 229, 216, 319

Dose-effect curve   31

Down's syndrome   32, 175

Drosophila melanogaster   24-27, 29, 33, 50-51, 54-56, 149, 151, 154, 155, 187-190, 297-298

Duration of life   see Life span

Ecological crisis hypothesis   106-107

Endogenous causes of death hypothesis   106-112

Energy metabolism   166, 175, 181, 208, 315

Environmental determination hypothesis   96

Enzyme levels and longevity   175, 185, 207, 209-210, 312, 316, 317, 320-321

Epidemiologic approach to the biology of life span   86-106

Epidemiology of the biological characteristics of human life span   90

Epoxides   210

     of longevity   158-161, 186

Expectation of life (ex)   24, 39

Factor analysis   203-204, 278-279, 281-284

     definition   230
     gradual   230
     sudden   230

Failure rate   see  Force of mortality

Familial correlations of longevity   32-38

Fats, ditary,   95-96

     proliferative life span   210-224

First asymptotic function of the distribution of least values   58

Food restriction   207-210

     diseases and,   207-210

Force of mortality
     definition   41
     methods of estimation   41-42
     synonyms   41
     vs. probability of death   40-43, 127-129

Free radicals   94, 181, 207, 210, 318

Gametic integration   35

Gemfibrozil   111

Gender differences in life span   87

Genetic background   188, 190

Genetic determination hypothesis   96, 97

Genetics of longevity   32-38, 158

Geographical variation in mortality   86-105

Gerontology   5

Geroprotectors   30

Glucose   209, 229, 322

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase   185, 321

Glucose tolerance test   229

Glutathione   185, 317

Glutathione peroxidase   185, 317

Glycosylated haemoglobin   209

Gompertz law (formula)   43, 55, 58

Gompertz-Makeham law (formula)   43, 55, 58
     estimation of the parameters   73-76
     Gompertz function   44
     historical background   13
     historically stable parameters   77-85
     Makeham parameter (term)   13, 44

Hayflick limit   215

Hazard function   see   Force of mortality

Hazard rate   see  Force of mortality

Heart disease
     ischemic   200, 203, 279, 281, 283

Heredity   211

Heritability of life span   32-38, 158

Heterogeneity of the population   31, 34, 38, 67
     genetic heterogeneity   32, 37, 38

Heterogeneous population model   264-272

Heterosis   35, 154, 206

Historical mortality convergence   101, 103

Historical mortality divergence   103

Historical mortality inversion   98, 101, 103

History of human life span and mortality   72-85

Homeostasis   154

Human diploid fibroblasts   212

Human life
     value of   10

Human longevity   119-125

Human mortality
     biological characteristics   77-87

Hydrogen peroxide   94

Hyperglycaemia   247

Hypertension   94, 200, 247, 282, 285

Hypothermia   206-207

Immortality   212

Immune system   114, 186, 230

In vitro life span   210-224

Infant mortality   198

Infections   108, 200

     of the duration of life   32-38

Initial virtual age
     of the population   266
     of the system   260

Insects   295-299

Instantaneous mortality rate  see  Force of mortality

Insulin   247

Integrated programme fo the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases   116

Intensity of risk of death   see  Force of mortality

Ionizing radiation   207, 295, 296, 300, 305-307

Ischemic heart disease   200, 203, 279, 281, 283

K-criterion   55, 56

Kinetics of mortality and survival   19

Keratinocytes   223

Kidney   200
     failure   247

Kolmogorov-Smirnov lambda test   62

Largest characteristic life span   124

Laws of mortality   39-63

Length of life  see  Life span

Leukemia   108

     annihilation vs. life prolongation   292
     expectancy (ex)   24-39
     prolongation   7, 9, 106-116, 205-210, 292

Life span
     absolute superior limit for   21
     biological characteristics   72-85
     body weight and,   174, 310
     determinants, priority of parental characters   177
     distribution, methodological principles for selecting   49-50
     extension   7, 9, 19, 106-116, 205-210, 292
     familial correlations   32-38
     gender differences in   87-89
     genetics of   32-38, 158
     human   119-129
     inheritance   32-38
     maximum   119-124
     mean   22
     potential    131
     record   124
     selection   33-35
     sex differences   19, 87-89
     species-specific   117-156
          heterogeneity hypothesis   31
          stochastic hypothesis   31

Life tables
     abridged   64, 68
     cohort   24, 64
     complete   64
     construction   24, 64-66
     cross-sectional (current, period, time-specific)   64
     example   25
     historical background   11-12

Lifetime  see  Life span

Limited reliability of the organism hypothesis   106, 112-116

Limiting distribution   236, 240

Lipid peroxidation   94, 181, 207, 210, 318

Liver   273
     cirrhosis   199, 280, 283

Loading characteristic   230

Log-normal life span distribution   61

Longevity  see  Life span

Lung neoplasms   108, 200, 202-204, 279, 283

Lymphoma   108

Makeham term (parameter)   13, 44

Mammals   303-309

Mathematical mortality models   232-289

Maturation age   311

Maximal life span   117-132

Mechanism of mortality   113

Median age (survival)   17

Medical geography   86

Metabolic rate
     duration of life and,   181, 182, 315

Mitochondria   181

Models of mortality   232-289

Molluscs   293-294

     compression   132

     age pattern of   162-165
     analysis   12-13
     cohort studies in   23, 31, 64, 66
     compensation effect of   148-156
     decline in the world   72-85
     differentials   19, 87, 90-97
     historically stable indices of   77-87, 90-97
     intensity function  see  Force of mortality
     mechanisms of   113
     models   232-289
     trends   72-85

Mortality amplification coefficient   280, 281

Multistage model   38

Mutagenes   210

Mutation   159, 188, 190

NADPH   185

Natural selection   158, 186, 245

Neoplasms   95, 108, 199-204, 209, 279, 282, 283

Nonspecific vulnerability state   112

Normal distribution   21, 22, 28-30, 53, 58, 62, 246, 257

Nutrition   207-210

Obesity   209

One foot in the grave state   114

Oxygen metabolism   181, 208, 318

Oxygen free radicals   318

Parental influence   32-38, 175-182

Period (current, cross-sectional, time-specific) life tables   64-66

Perks equation (formula)   45

Peroxidation   94, 181, 207, 210, 318

Phenomenon of historical stability of the age-dependent component of mortality   77-85

Planck distribution   242

Plants   16

Pneumonia   279, 284

Poikilotherms   206

Poisson distribution   254, 255, 257, 258

Polycyclic hydrocarbons   210, 316

     aging   9
     density and longevity   8-9, 33
     growth   7-9
     heterogeneity   31-38

     division   210-224

Potential longevity   131

Power (Weibull) law   45, 46, 61, 71-72, 241-243, 262, 263, 269, 270

Practical life span limit   134

Pregnancy   185

Predictors of longevity   165-205, 310-319

Prevention   116
     superprimary   182

     of best approximation with fewest parameters   61
     of theoretical justification   59
     of two types of mortality   58, 61
     of universality   61

Probability density function (dx)   24

Probability of cell death   216

Probability of death (qx)   24, 39-41, 43

Probability of surviving (lx)   39

Probability theory   58

Progeria   32

Program theories   157-165, 210-211, 227

Proliferative capacity   210-224

Proliferative lifespan   210-224

Prolonged life span   9

     turnover rate and longevity   210, 317

Quantitative genetics   6

     ionizing   207, 295, 296, 300, 305-307

Radical   318

Rat   29, 50, 52, 53, 155, 304-305

Rate of aging   285

Receptors   209

Rectangularization of the survival curve   115

Redundancy   185, 186, 231, 244, 245, 264, 270, 287

Regional differences in mortality   91-92

     analysis   280

Rejuvenation   162

Relative brain weight and longevity   166, 310

Relative excess of male mortality (REMM)   199-200, 203

Reliability of death certificate diagnoses   108

Reliability theory   14, 225-231, 242

Replicative aging   210-224

    survival and,   311, 315, 320

Residual mortality   280, 281

Respiration   177, 181

Retrospective studies (predictions)   98-106

     factors   93, 174

Rotifers   293

     for increased longevity   33-34

Selenium   93-95, 185, 323
     heart disease and,   93-95
     mortality and,   93-95

     chromosomes   185, 186
          in mortality   182-205
     dimorphism   203

Sexual concordance coefficient   199-200, 203

Sexual maturation   208, 311

Sexually concordant causes of death   199-201, 205

Sexually inconcordant causes of death   202-203

Signal to noise ratio   207, 209

     body   310
     brain   310

     longevity and,   311, 312, 315, 320

Socioeconomic risk factors   86-87, 196

Species longevity   117-156, 165-175, 293-299

Species-specific life span
     invariants   132
     limit   125

Specific metabolic rate   166, 181, 315

Stability   229
     static   229
     dynamic   229

State of nonspecific vulnerability   112

Statistics of extreme values (extremes)   58, 240

Stomach cancer   199-201, 203, 204, 279, 282

Strain effects   168

Strehler-Mildvan correlation   141-148

Stress   283

Suicide   9

Superoxide   318
     dismutase (SOD)   175, 312

     influence of diet   207-210

Survival curves
     accidents and,   58, 203
     body temperature and   154, 206-207
     derectangularization   115
     of women vs. men   87, 182-205

Swim-Hayflick phenomenon   216, 222

Systems analysis   12

T-lymphocytes   229-230

     effect on longevity   206-207

Theoretical maximal age   135

Theories of aging
     free radicals   94, 181, 207, 210, 318
     genetical control   157-165, 210-211, 227
     mutation   159, 188, 190, 210
     programmed senescence   157-165, 210-211, 227

Theory of reliability   14, 225-231

Tissue culture   210-224

Tortoise   215

Toxins   210

Tuberculosis   200, 279, 280, 282

Tumor   95, 108, 199-204, 209, 279, 282, 283

Twins, longevity differences between   36-37, 112

Undernutrition   207-210

Uric acid   312, 322

Value of human life   10

Violence   111

Virus   212

Vitalism   228

Vitality   146

Vitamin A   313, 318, 322

Vitamin C   313, 318, 321

Vitamin E   313

Vitamins   209

Wear and tear hypothesis   207, 210, 224, 225

Weibull (power) distribution   45, 241-243, 262, 263, 269, 270
     generalized form   46, 61, 71-72

Weight, body
     mortality rate and,   174, 310

Weismann-Swim-Hayflick (WSH) concept   216, 224

Werner progeria   32

Women, survival pattern   87-89, 183, 197-205

World Health Organization (WHO)   110, 116, 278
     Integrated Programme fo the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases   116

X-chromosome   185-186

Xenobiotics   210

Zygote    22, 181, 185
